Be strong and courageous, YHWH your God is with you

Sunday 10th July, 2022
Read: Hebrews 4:8-11; Deuteronomy 31:1-30; Joshua 1:1-18

Sermon: Joshua 1:1-18


Deuteronomy 31:1-30 The alarming song of Moses

Joshua 1:1-9 Yhwh commands Joshua, who must obey Yhwh’s word
1:1-5 Moses is dead, Yhwh will be with Joshua

1:6-9 the centrality of the word

Joshua 1:10-18 Joshua commands Israel, who promise to obey
1:10-15 rest for all Israel

1:16-18 obeying Joshua as they obeyed Moses

The greater Joshua and holy land