“The Test”

Genesis 22:1-24, Hebrews 6:12-20 & 11:17-19

It has been approximately forty years since Abram left Haran to this point in the narrative and during that time Abraham has learnt what God is like through many different interventions and the provision of what seemed impossible; a son is born to him at the ripe old age of one hundred.

God now tests Abraham’s faith and his obedience to his commandments. In this passage, God requires Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, the promised (only) son, on an altar.

Abraham’s faith that God would provide is now evident. God had previously made specific promises in regards to Isaac and Abraham trusted God to deliver those promises, even if he were to slay his only son.  Abraham believed God would provide the necessary sacrifice and that he and Isaac would return Gen 22:5.

This passage is a foreshadowing of God’s provision of His only Son, Jesus Christ, the lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world. By faith, like Abraham, we will be saved through faith, by trusting in the perfect sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.

To hear more of the Abraham narrative click here