Imitating YaHWeH’s Peacemaking

The Beatitudes Part 7

Readings Psalm 85; Matthew 5:1-12

Joseph was a great example of a peacemaker.
His brothers treated him badly and sold him into slavery. When Joseph’s position put him above them, he tested and then forgave his brothers and restored peace to the household of Jacob. Joseph had every reason to be angry, but he chose to be merciful.
Read Genesis 50, Psalm 105:17-22

We are God’s enemies by nature. He is our peacemaker. 

God takes the initiative. He makes peace with us. He provides the sacrifice for our sins. The death of Christ Jesus His Son was the punishment for our sins. Jesus bore the wrath of God on our behalf and his righteousness is transferred to us through repentance and faith in him alone. He transforms us from within by the power of His Spirit and adopts us into His family.

May we be peacemakers like our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ.