Isaiah 60:1–22 Zion, the City to look forward to!

Sunday 24th November 2024

Read: John 14:1-6; Revelation 21:22-27; Isaiah 60:1–22

Sermon: Isaiah 60:1–22

-The City to look forward to – the City that has foundations
-Zion personified

Introduction to Zion’s Glory v 1 – 4
Zion’s response to abundance from all directions v 5 – 7

Precious children coming to Zion v 8 – 9

Zion’s sad Past and glorious future v 10 – 16

Zion’s better glory and security v 17 – 20

Zion’s inhabitants v21, 22

The Four Themes
-God’s role in establishing the city

-The glory & material abundance and wealth of the city

-The joy and security of the city

-The ultimate purpose of the city.

Jesus’ Promise of a city John 14:1-4

John’s vision of the city Revelation 21:22 – 27


Isaiah 58:1-59:15 When fasting and prayer are wrong

Sunday 10th November 2024

Read: Psalm 1; Matthew 23:1-32; Isaiah 58:1-59:15

Sermon: Isaiah 58:1-59:15

Isaiah 56-66 The same problems

Isaiah 58:1-14 True fasting
58:1-5 wrong fasting

58:6-12 true fasting

58:13-14 true fasting and true Sabbath keeping

Isaiah 59:1-21 Real salvation
59:1-8 real sin

59:9-15a real mourning over sin

59:15b-21 real salvation from sin


Isaiah 56:9 – 57:13 The seed of the wrong woman

Sunday 27th October 2024

Read: Revelation 17:1-18; Isaiah 56:9-57:13

Sermon: Isaiah 56:9-57:13

Isaiah 1-55 A Davidic king and Suffering servant ruling a renewed Zion

Isaiah 56:9-12 Shepherds without understanding

Isaiah 57:1-2 Peace for the righteous

Isaiah 57:3-13 Idolaters summoned to court
57:3-4 the summons

57:5-10 the charges

57:11-13 the verdict

Revelation 17 The final verdict


Romans 15:14-16:27 The God of peace will soon crush Satan beneath your feet

Sunday 13th October 2024

Read: Revelation 12:1-17; Romans 15:14-16:27

Sermon: Romans 15:14-16:27

Romans 1-14 Paul and Romans

Romans 15:14-33 Paul’s ministry and the letter to the Romans
15:14-16 Paul’s ministry to the Romans and us

15:17-21 preaching Christ where he is not known

15:22-33 Paul’s travel plans governed by the Gospel

Romans 16:1-24 Greetings and specific instructions

Romans 16:25-27 Romans: It’s all about God and the gospel of Jesus


Romans 15:1-13 Pursuing peace in church

Sunday 6th October 2024

Read: Psalm 69:1-15; Isaiah 11:1-10; Romans 15:1-13

Sermon: Romans 15:1-13

Introduction: The basis for Paul’s appeal.
Romans 12:1-2; Romans 3:24-25; Romans 6:6-8

Ephesians 5:2 And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Romans 15:1-7 United by welcome.

Romans 15:8-13 United by hope.

Conclusion: When the ‘strong’ and the ‘weak’ pursue peace they become ‘one another’.


Romans 14:1-23 The weak and the strong: Loving one another

Sunday 29th September 2024

Read: Isaiah 45:21-25; Mark 7:1-23; Romans 14:1-23

Sermon: Romans 14:1-23

Romans 1-11 Salvation to Jew and Gentile by faith

Romans 14:1-12 Don’t quarrel with those weak in faith, accept them warmly
14:1-4 concerning food

14:5-8 concerning days

14:9-12 our actions judged by the true judge

Romans 14:13-23 Don’t judge your brother but love