“An Early Christian Case-study”

If you are a Christian it’s because someone who believed the truth about the Lord Jesus was obedient to him and because they loved you told you and you believed. But before that, someone had told them and so on, all the way back to the apostles. We are the most recent links in an unbroken chain. But even as far back as the apostle John’s day there were threats to the chain. 3 John is an up-close, in-depth look at a particular early church and some of the people who belonged to it. In it we meet men whose lives are to be imitated and another whose example is to be rejected. 3 John is a case study of truth, obedience and love (and their opposites) in action.

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 28th June, 2020


Read John 1:14-18

Consider how Jesus is the ultimate revelation of truth and grace.

Pray Praise and confession in light of John 1:14-18

Sing along Jesus Paid It All

Read John 13:12-20

Memory verse 1 John 5:11-13 with the WPC Kids

Pray: using  for
each other | our church | our nation |our world

Sing along Speak, O Lord

Read 3 John 1-15

Watch: Steve Messer as he teaches on 3 John 1-15

Or listen to the below Sermon Audio

Pray in response to 3 John 1-15
With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing along All Glory Be To Christ

Read John 16:33





“Don’t Progress Away From Jesus Because He Is Truth And Love”

2 John seems to have been written for some or one specific Church within the orbit of John’s shepherding. This letter particularly applies the truth, love and obedience tests in regard to managing false teachers and not showing hospitality to them. At that time this is something of the equivalent to sponsoring false teaching by formally offering to support their ministry. There are some very important principles here for how believers not just walk themselves but how to determine what ministries to support and how to relate to those who propagate a false Jesus.

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household forSunday 21st June, 2020


Read John 6:66-69

Consider Where else would we go?

Pray Praise and confession in light of John 6:66-69

Sing along My Hope is Built (Hymn)

Read John 15:16-27

Memory verse with Jo & Miriam 1 John 2:24-25

Pray: using John 15:16-27 for
each other | our church | our nation |our world

Sing along The Lord Is My Salvation

Read 2 John 1-13

Watch: Ray Patchett as he teaches on 2 John 1-13

Or listen to the below Sermon Audio

Pray in response to 2 John 1-13.
With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing along The Wonder Of The Cross

Read John 16:33





“Being Sure”

Knowing you are going to live forever – that you have eternal life – changes your perspective on everything.
The apostle John lays out how we can be certain we have it, as he takes on the false teachers who are trying to deceive God’s children.

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 14th June, 2020

Read John 16:12-15

Consider How has God revealed himself to the Apostles and us.

Pray Praise and confession in light of John 16:12-15

Sing along Christ Our Hope In Life And Death

Read John 5:21-40

Memory verse with Jo & Miriam 1 John 2:24-25

Pray: using John 5:21-40 for
each other | our church | our nation |our world

Sing along Amazing Grace

Read 1 John 5:1-21

Watch Colin Kids’ Song

Watch: Tom Guilford as he teaches on 1 John 5:1-21

Or listen to the below Sermon Audio

Pray in response to 1 John 5:1-21.
With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing along By Faith

Read John 16:33





“Dark Devotions” Isaiah 3:16-17

“Dark Devotions” Steve Messer

The Lord said: Because the daughters of Zion are haughty and walk with outstretched necks, glancing wantonly with their eyes, mincing along as they go, tinkling with their feet, therefore the Lord will strike with a scab the heads of the daughters of Zion, and the Lord will lay bare their secret parts.’

In a world obsessed with looking good and ‘dressing to impress’, it’s no surprise that there is a Christian equivalent. “We deserve to indulge in a guilty pleasure or two. So don’t feel bad about straying from your goals every once in awhile… embrace it: eat the cookie and buy the shoes”, purrs a seductive publicity blurb.

‘America’s #1 Christian Style’ coach teaches ‘how to look and feel your best, no matter what day it is or what the occasion…’ so you’ll never again need to scream at the top of your lungs, ‘Help me, Jesus! I have nothing to wear!’

The prophet Isaiah wrote to confront the decadent people of 8th century BC Jerusalem who had rebelled against Yahweh, their God. They had become a ‘sinful nation’, guilty of despising the Holy One of Israel, ‘utterly estranged’ (1:4). One example of this rebellion concerns Jerusalem’s ‘leading’ women, probably the wives of the city’s elite.

Isaiah 3:18-4:1 lists 21 fashion and beauty items that will be replaced by rottenness, roughness and public shaming when their owners meet Yahweh’s inevitable judgement.

The Bible never condemns outright dressing well or being concerned for personal appearance, in fact, it endorses it at times (e.g. Ruth 3:3; Ps 45:13-14; Ecc 9:8; Song 1:10-11; 4:9, 11; Mt 22:11-12). However, the women of Jerusalem
are condemned because the wealth that enables them to accessorise so flamboyantly has been gained through oppression of the poor, their obsession with glamour is out of all proportion with godliness and expresses arrogance
and lustful intent. So, Isaiah calls them back to living by God’s word before it’s too late, promising a future that includes putting on beautiful garments if they do (52:1; cf Rev 7:14; 21:2).

It is doubtful that any honest Australian Christian will ever need to scream, ‘Help me, Jesus! I have nothing to wear!’ given that we typically own 5 times more clothes than our grandparents had. Those saved through faith in Jesus can count themselves ‘clothed in his righteousness’ and should shun the worldly compromise represented in the quotes above, expressing contentment, gospel-shaped priorities and hearts made truly beautiful in Christ, even in the way they dress.

‘Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewellery, or the clothing you wear— but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet
spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious’ (1 Peter 3:3-4; see also Prov 31:30; 1 Tim 2:9-10).

1 Joyce Meyer, Eat the Cookies, Buy the Shoes: Giving Yourself Permission to Lighten Up.
2 Shari Braendel, Help Me Jesus! I Have Nothing to Wear!
3 Edward Mote, My Hope is Built (The Solid Rock). See 2 Cor 5:4; Eph 4:22-24; Col 3:9-10.

“Testing True Spirituality”

John is continuing to outline various tests of genuine knowledge of God, the truth test, the love test and the obedience test.
And it is important to understand that these tests are not like an exam where over 50% is a pass. These are indicators of genuine faith in God and all are ‘necessary.’ It’s important in this passage to think about how these tests relate to each other and how the Gospel can be distorted if aspects of these things are absent or de-emphasised. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is glorious but there are anitchrists at work in Australia to distort it.

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 7th June, 2020

Read John 3:16-19

Consider How has God loved the world?

Pray Praise and confession in light of John 3:16-19

Sing along Love Divine All Loves Exceeding

Read John 16:32-17:21

Memory verse with Jo & Miriam 1 John 2:24-25

Pray: using John 16:32-17:21 for
each other | our church | our nation |our world

Sing along One For Many

Read 1 John 3:19-4:21

Watch Colin Kids’ Song

Watch: Ray Patchett as he teaches on 1 John 4:1-21

Or listen to the below Sermon Audio

Pray in response to 1 John 4:1-21. With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing along I Will Glory In My Redeemer

Read John 16:33





“Dark Devotions” Nehemiah 13:25

“Dark devotions” (Ray Patchett and Steve Messer)

And I confronted them and cursed them and beat some of them and pulled out their hair. And I made them take oath in the name of God, saying, “You shall not give your daughters to their sons, or take their daughters for your sons or for yourselves.
Nehemiah 13:25

The basic themes of Ezra-Nehemiah (E-N) are that the people of God must return to rebuild the holy city and house of God in order that they live back under the rule of God by the law of Moses. The importance in E-N of the ‘people of God’ is that so far in the big picture of the Bible’s narrative the failure of Israel after the death of Joshua caused the rise of the Judges. However, the Judges could not keep the people faithful because everyone ‘did
was right in his own eyes’ (judges 21:25). Afterwards began the dubious introduction of kingship, where the overall sense was a rejection of the LORD’s kingship for a king like the nations (1 Samuel 8:5-7). Eventually, the kings failed as they failed to listen to the book of the law and to the prophets, which led to the exile (see the previous comments on 2 Chronicles).

Now in E-N if the return from exile is going to ‘work’ it must be the people as a whole who respond to God’s word with obedience. Therefore the emphasis in E-N is that pure Israel (Ezra 2:59-63) must be separated from the nations to live in God’s restored holy place (Ezra 4:1-5). Hence the function of the walls of Jerusalem was to keep what is unholy out of the holy city and the house of God. (Nehemiah 2:19-20). This also explains the repeat of the list of returnees from Ezra 2 in Nehemiah 7. The section between these chapters describe the
various external and internal obstacles to a return of pure Israel to the holy city and house of God, such as neglect of the temple, intermarriage with foreigners (Ezra 9), exacting interest and enslaving fellow-Israelite’s (Nehemiah 5).

Then in Nehemiah 8 the pure Israel in the restored holy city and rebuilt house of God can worship by hearing the book of the law and repent of their sin (Nehemiah 9) and re-covenant with their God (Nehemiah 10) and re-establish temple worship (Nehemiah 11-12).

Now, in chapter 13 of Nehemiah the whole thing has come crashing down, again! Failure to keep God’s holy place clean (13:6-14); failing to keep Sabbath (13:15-22); Intermarriage with foreigners, even effecting the priesthood following the example of Solomon before them (13:23-31). The disturbing reality reflected in the verse, Nehemiah 13:25, is that the return from exile is just a continuation of the failure of Israel to keep covenant.

Here we must understand that Nehemiah is not presented as a pattern of good ‘Christian’ leadership, rather, he is a godly man, deeply distressed and frustrated by Israel’s failure. Nehemiah has the last say in E-N with the phrase, ‘remember me, O God, for good.’ This phrase repeated 4 times in chapter 13 is a statement of exasperation.

The only answer too which is the one whose
beard was pulled out for the sake of our transgressions:

The Lord GOD has opened my ear, and I was not rebellious; I turned not backward. I gave my back to those who strike, and my cheeks to those who pull out the beard; I hid not my face from disgrace and spitting.
(Isa 50:5-6 ESV)

True Fellowship With Christ Seen: In Love, In Deed And In Truth

The apostle John wrote his first letter because his readers were at risk of deception through the activities of former members of their church who John labels antichrists, people who deny that Jesus is the Christ. John’s letter provides assurance for his readers, then and now, that if we abide (stay or remain) in the truth of who Christ is, in obedience to his commands and in generous, self-sacrificial love for his people, at his return we will have no need for shame but can look forward to that future event with confidence.
The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 31st May, 2020

Read John 8:28-32

Consider How are we not free and why was Jesus lifted up?

Pray Praise and confession in light of John 8:28-32

Sing along See Him Coming

Read John 15:1-14

Memory verse with Jo & Miriam 1 John 2:24-25

Pray: using  John 15:1-14 for
each other | our church | our nation |our world

Sing along Jesus Messiah

Read 1 John 2:28-3:18

Watch Colin Kids’ Talk (repeat)

Watch: Steve Messer as he teaches on 1 John 2:28-3:18

Or listen to the below Sermon Audio

Pray in response to 1 John 2:28-3:18. With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing along Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me

Read  John 16:33

“True Fellowship With The Son Seen In Rejecting Antichrists”

This passage in the letter of John talks about the way in which false teaching can come to a congregation and how the truth can be discerned against such teaching. A common word here is ‘antichrist’. This word itself is open to misunderstanding as it is often thought to be some hideous and grotesque representation of evil such as in 80’s horror movies. However, like false teaching itself, ‘antichrist’ is usually much more subtle and manipulative and against this background John continues to establish his three tests of authentic ‘knowing’ of Jesus Christ which depends on eyewitness account, and here, importantly, the work of God’s Spirit.
The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 24th May, 2020

Read John 14:15-17

Consider How does the Spirit cause us to know the truth concerning Jesus?

Pray Praise and confession in light of John 14:15-17

Sing along Be unto your name

Read John 15:18-27

Steve’s memory verse 1 John 2:6

Pray: using  John 15:18-27 for
each other | our church | our nation |our world

Sing along The Lord is my salvation

Read 1 John 2:18-27

Watch: Ray Patchett as he teaches on 1 John 2:18-27

Or listen to the below Sermon Audio

Pray in response to 1 John 2:18-27. With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing along Praise the Father, praise the Son

Nicene Creed Orthodox chant version

We Believe Apostle’s Creed – Keith & Kristyn Getty with Lyrics

Read 2 Thessalonians 2:14-17





“True Fellowship With Christ Seen In Obedience And Love”

Today we continue our teaching series on John the apostle’s first letter.

John wrote as a loving pastor to a church or churches around the ancient city of Ephesus in what is now Turkey.

He wrote to people he cared about deeply, concerned to reassure them of the true nature of the Christian faith, as they were at risk of being deceived by “Antichrists’, “false prophets’ who had once been part of their church, but who demonstrated by their leaving that they never truly belonged to God or his people.

The beliefs and teaching of these deceivers must have at least sounded plausible or they wouldn’t have been a threat to the faith of John’s “little children”. So, he proposes a series of tests that will enable his readers both to recognise opponents of the gospel and to be sure of their own salvation in Jesus Christ.

How can we be sure we belong among the people of God? How can we be kept from falling for false teaching, despite its attractions? We need to hear and apply John’s tests in our own time and situation.

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 17th May, 2020

Read: John 15:12-14

Consider: How did Jesus love us? How must we love our fellow believers?

Pray: Praise and confession in light of John 15:12-14

Sing along: And Can It Be

Read: Leviticus 19:9-18

Steve’s memory verse

Pray: using  Leviticus 19:9-18 for
each other | our church | our nation |our world

Watch: Kid’s Talk with Colin Buchanan: Jesus, Our Safe Place – Episode 9

Sing along: Christ Our Hope In Life And Death

Read: 1 John 2:3-17

Watch: Steve Messer as he teaches on 1 John 2:3-17

Or listen to the below Sermon Audio

Pray in response to 1 John 2:3-17
With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing along: Christ Is Mine Forevermore


Read: Jude 24-25

“True Fellowship With The Son Seen In Our Response To Sin”

We are starting a new series on the letters of the apostle John. Because he wrote later in the New Testament period, his letters deal with how the Gospel had been distorted as it spread to places with different popular ideologies.
The danger for every generation of believers is to seek to compromise the Gospel message by ‘mixing’ it with current fads or to make it ‘relevant’ in such a way as to actually change the message rather than just making sure it is understood clearly.
The particular issues for John were that the Gospel was being mixed with various aspects of Greek philosophy, which caused the denial of basic truths about Jesus.
This is important for us because our culture is still influenced by this type of thinking.
We need to engage the various ways in which popular ideology can distort the Gospel so we can uphold the glory of Christ.

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 10th May, 2020

Read: Psalm 27:1-5

Consider how the theme of God revealing himself is evident here, particularly in the tabernacle/house/temple.

Pray: Praise and confession in light of Psalm 27:1-5

Sing along: 

Read: John 1:1-18

A new memory verse with Steve Messer

Pray: using John 1:1-18 for
each other | our church | our nation |our world

Watch: Kid’s Talk with Colin Buchanan: Jesus, Our Safe Place – Episode 8

Sing along: 

Read: 1 John 1:1-2:2

Watch: Ray Patchett as he teaches on  1 John 1:1-2:2

Or listen to the below Sermon Audio

Pray in response to 1 John 1:1-2:2.
With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing along: 

Read: Revelation 21:22-27