Life From Death, In Smyrna

As a city, Smyrna had metaphorically once been dead, but now had sprung back to life. It was a proudly pagan city, intensely loyal to Rome and Rome’s gods. The Church suffered real tribulation for remaining faithful to Jesus. Jesus, who had literally once died, but now is truly alive, speaks to His suffering people to encourage them. Their faith in Him even unto physical death is unquestionably worthwhile, since in Jesus they are absolutely immune from humanity’s real enemy, the second death.

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 15th November, 2020


Consider What do we not need to fear?

Pray Praise and confession in light of Isaiah 44:6-8

Sing along On Christ The Solid Rock I Stand

Read Daniel 1:1-16

Pray for each other | our church | our nation |our world
using the above reading for (reflecting on, why do people hate Jesus?)

Sing along By Faith


Read Revelation 1:9-20  &  Revelation 2:8-11

Watch Christopher Dean’s talk on Revelation 2:8-11

Listen to the sermon Audio

Pray in response: With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing Along We Belong To The Day

Read Revelation 1:5-6

Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (6 of 10) now available

Steve has graciously agreed to re-work his Job series for us.

Given his own personal difficult circumstances this is a book that he has thought about deeply and we look forward to his presentation of the wisdom to be found in that book as we consider our own circumstances.

There will be a series of 10 talks and they will be available on our website. Click on the Owls to jump to the Job web page where they can all be found.

Letter To Ephesus: Recover Your First Love




The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 8th November, 2020


Consider What does it mean to love Jesus?

Pray Praise and confession in light of Mark 14:3-9

Sing along Praise My Soul The King Of Heaven

Read Exodus 25:23-40

Pray for each other | our church | our nation |our world
using the above readings: (reflecting on, why do people hate Jesus?)

Sing along Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me

Read Revelation 2:1-7

Watch Ray Patchett’s talk on Revelation 2:1-7

Listen to the sermon Audio

Pray in response: With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing Along See Him Coming

Read Revelation 1:5-6

Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (6 of 10) now available

Steve has graciously agreed to re-work his Job series for us.

Given his own personal difficult circumstances this is a book that he has thought about deeply and we look forward to his presentation of the wisdom to be found in that book as we consider our own circumstances.

There will be a series of 10 talks and they will be available on our website. Click on the Owls to jump to the Job web page where they can all be found.

Write What You See In A Book And Send It To My Churches.

John the apostle of Jesus receives a vision of and a message from Jesus himself, now ascended to heaven and glorified. The message is for Jesus’ persecuted people gathered in churches in Asia Minor then and for believers everywhere now. John, the human author, sets a great example for his readers. His experience of tribulation has landed him in prison on the island of Patmos, but he is in the Spirit presenting a vision from another world to inspire new heart, fresh hope and patient endurance. 

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 1st November, 2020


Consider Why should we not fear in these times?

Pray Praise and confession in light of Isaiah 44:6-8

Sing along Behold Our God

Read John 16:25-33

Pray for each other | our church | our nation |our world
using the above readings: (reflecting on, why do people hate Jesus?)

Sing along Ancient Of Days

Read Revelation 1:1-20

Watch Steve Messer’s talk on Revelation 1:9-20

Listen to the sermon Audio

Pray in response: With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Lord’s Supper

Sing Along My Heart Is Filled With Thankfulness

Read Revelation 1:5-6

Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (5 of 10) now available

Steve has graciously agreed to re-work his Job series for us.

Given his own personal difficult circumstances this is a book that he has thought about deeply and we look forward to his presentation of the wisdom to be found in that book as we consider our own circumstances.

There will be a series of 10 talks and they will be available on our website. Click on the Owls to jump to the Job web page where they can all be found.

Oh No It’s The Apocalypse!

John 16:33The word ‘apocalypse’ simply means to reveal or unveil something previously hidden. Ironically, the book of the apocalypse (Revelation) seems far from clear revelation to many and is surrounded by controversy. However, if understood in light of the Old Testament background, the book of Revelation gloriously reveals the triumph of the lamb that was slain.

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 25th October, 2020

Consider Why can God alone save?

Pray Praise and confession in light of Genesis 1:26-28

Sing along Jesus Shall Reign

Read Daniel 2:25-47

Pray for each other | our church | our nation |our world
using the above readings:  (reflecting on, why do people hate Jesus?)

Sing along Be Unto Your Name

Read Revelation 1:1-9

Watch Ray Patchett’s talk on Revelation 1:1-9

Listen to the sermon Audio

Pray in response: With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing along I Cannot Tell

Read Revelation 1:5-6

Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (5 of 10) now available

Steve has graciously agreed to re-work his Job series for us.

Given his own personal difficult circumstances this is a book that he has thought about deeply and we look forward to his presentation of the wisdom to be found in that book as we consider our own circumstances.

There will be a series of 10 talks and they will be available on our website. Click on the Owls to jump to the Job web page where they can all be found.

The Son Of Man And The Saints

How are we to make sense of our world? The Bible is very clear, there is another world, an eternal world, while the one we live in is passing away. Yet, this present world is where we live, often in the midst of profound struggles with the effects of evil. Apocalyptic literature provides a view of this world from the vantage point of the other, heavenly world. It reveals the true nature of the conflict that surrounds us. Daniel 7 is a classic apocalyptic passage, revealing the fate of four terrifying beasts, and the judgment of the Ancient of Days in favour of the divine Son of Man which restores humanity to its proper place in his creation.

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 18th October, 2020


Consider How does our view of humanity shape our life?

Pray Praise and confession in light of Genesis 1:26-28

Sing along Immortal, Invisible, God Only Wise

Read Psalm 8

Pray using the above readings:  (reflecting on, why do people hate Jesus?)
for each other | our church | our nation |our world

Sing along Rejoice The Lord Is King

Read Daniel 7:1-28

Watch Steve Messer’s talk on Daniel 7:1-28

Listen to the sermon Audio

Pray in response: With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing along See Him Coming

Read Hebrews 2:17-18

Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (5 of 10) now available

Steve has graciously agreed to re-work his Job series for us.

Given his own personal difficult circumstances this is a book that he has thought about deeply and we look forward to his presentation of the wisdom to be found in that book as we consider our own circumstances.

There will be a series of 10 talks and they will be available on our website. Click on the Owls to jump to the Job web page where they can be found.

The Ultimate Jerusalem

The conflict over Jerusalem is not just a fight over some real estate in the Middle East, it is a conflict regarding the means of a renewed creation, The two main problems that beset Jerusalem; external opposition and internal corruption, will be dealt with by the final coming of Yhwh. But, in the midst of this conflict some will turn from their warfare to worship as they see the means by which Yhwh will save his people.

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 11th October, 2020


Consider How does our view of the future shape the present?

Pray Praise and confession in light of Revelation 22:1-5

Sing along Christ Out Hope In Life And Death

Read Ezekiel 47:1-12 

Pray using the above readings:  (reflecting on, why do people hate Jesus?)
for each other | our church | our nation |our world

Sing along Love Divine

Read Zechariah 14:1-21

Listen (optional) Bible Gateway Audio – Max McLean

Watch Ray Patchett’s talk on Zechariah 14:1-21

Listen to the sermon Audio

Pray in response to Zechariah 14:1-21

With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing along There Is A Higher Throne

Read Revelation 22:12-14

Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (1 of 10)
Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (2 of 10)
Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (3 of 10)
Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (4 of 10) now available

Steve has graciously agreed to re-work his Job series for us.
Given his own personal difficult circumstances this is a book that he has thought about deeply and we look forward to his presentation of the wisdom to be found in that book as we consider our own circumstances.

There will be a series of 10 talks and they will be available on our website. Click on the Owls to jump to the Job web page where they can be found.

Warfare Gives Way To Worship By Fountain And Fire

In Zechariah 12 the nations are at war with God’s people and God himself declares that he will destroy everyone that comes against Jerusalem. Yet as the prophecy draws to a close we find survivors from the nations being drawn to Jerusalem to worship (14:16). What can account for such a dramatic change? It is the opening of a fountain in Jerusalem on that day that someone very close to Yahweh is pierced which results in the land being purified and the shepherd’s flock being scattered for refining by fire.

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 4th October, 2020


Consider What does it mean to find gladness in the only God?

Pray Praise and confession in light of Psalm 86:1-10

Sing along His Mercy Is More

Read Leviticus 26:1-13   1 Peter 1:3-9

Pray using the above readings:  (reflecting on, why do people hate Jesus?)
for each other | our church | our nation |our world

Sing along Jesus Shall Reign

Read Zechariah 13:1-9

Listen (optional) Bible Gateway Audio – Max McLean

Watch Ray Patchett’s talk on Zechariah 13:1-9

Listen to the sermon Audio

Pray in response to Zechariah 13:1-9

With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Lord’s Supper

Sing along All Glory Be To Christ

Read Revelation 7:13-17

Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (1 of 10)
Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (2 of 10)
Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (3 of 10) now available

Steve has graciously agreed to re-work his Job series for us.
Given his own personal difficult circumstances this is a book that he has thought about deeply and we look forward to his presentation of the wisdom to be found in that book as we consider our own circumstances.

There will be a series of 10 talks and they will be available on our website. Click on the Owls to jump to the Job web page where they can be found.

“Dark Devotions” You Need Low Self Esteem

Dark Devotions (Ray Patchett & Steve Messer)

“After all we’ve been trying to teach the kids about self-esteem and she comes and tells  them they’re sinners!” 

In his 1995 book, The Optimistic Child, American psychologist  Martin Seligman described the ‘Self-Esteem Movement’ which  began in California in the 1960s. It taught that positive feelings  were the key to one’s success in life and led to practices such as  placing signs on the mirrors in school toilets which read, “You  are looking at the most important person in the world.” Seligman  said the result of such indoctrination was an “epidemic” of depression amongst adolescents as what they had been told about themselves failed to match the reality they experienced. He proposed that “doing well” was more important than “feeling  good” and that self-esteem was enhanced when children were taught strategies for overcoming their challenges and failures. 

To esteem something means to calculate (or estimate) its worth. Self-esteem is the individual’s calculation of their own  worth. But the worth of anything is determined by comparison to a standard, so the true worth of most world currencies  is determined in relation to the US dollar. By what standard may we accurately measure our self-worth? Seligman points  out that miscalculation can have devastating consequences: “The bloated self is fertile soil for the growth of depression,”  he says.  

After the Jewish exile in Babylon had ended, Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem grieved at the report he had received that  the city’s walls had been broken down and the people who had returned earlier were in great trouble (Neh 1:3-4). His  rebuilding work was opposed by Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem who mocked, despised and threatened violence to him  and those working on the project (2:17-20; 4:7-8). But, in prayerful dependence on God, through wise defensive strategies and hard work (4:9), the wall was finished, leaving the enemies no choice but to confess the help of God in bringing  it about. The completed task left them with greatly diminished self-esteem! Literally, they had “fallen very much in their  own eyes,” they were demoralized, helpless, frightened and humiliated. Their pride had been shattered. God had kept his  promise that if his people kept faith with him, he would “put the dread and fear of you on the peoples who are under the  whole heaven, who shall hear the report of you and shall tremble and be in anguish because of you” (Deut 2:25). He was  making his name great among the nations (Mal 1:11, 14). 

A teacher friend of mine told me of a visit from a missionary to the school assembly. She told of the work that she was  involved with in a difficult part of the world and issued a challenge to the students. My friend overheard a conversation  in the staff room afterwards: “After all we’ve been trying to teach the kids about self-esteem and she comes and tells  them they’re sinners!” 

An accurate, healthy self-estimate begins with thinking about ourselves biblically. Its foundation is understanding that,  “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Ps 111:10). Looking at the vast splendour of creation should humble  us in wonderment with King David: “what is man that you are mindful of him” (Ps 8:4)? Isaiah’s vision of the heavenly  throne room shows that God’s holiness poses a lethal threat to our sinfulness and pride (see Is 6:1-6), but the prophet  also records Yahweh’s firm but tender declaration, “This is the one to whom I will look: he who is humble and contrite  in spirit and trembles at my word” (66:2). 

Since “Pride goes before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall” (Prov 16:18), our only hope for safety is found in  humbling ourselves “under the mighty hand of God” allowing him to exalt us (1 Pe 5:6), coming to him in godly, repentant grief at our sins, trusting in Jesus’ sacrifice that leads to salvation without regret (2 Cor 7:10). As sinners saved by  grace (Eph 2:8), we must not think of ourselves more highly than we ought, but with sober judgment (Ro 12:3) which  will lead us to see, among many other things, that we are God’s jewels (Zech 9:16), his treasured possession (Ex 19:5 etc),  his inheritance (Eph 1:18), “children of God… fellow heirs with  Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified with him” (Ro 8:16-17).  

Understanding who we are in  Christ is good for every part of us,  including our psychology!

Might it be true to say that salvation requires low self-esteem? Of course, it  doesn’t end there. Understanding who we are in Christ is good for every part  of us, including our psychology!

“The Future Of Jerusalem: Mourning For The One That Was Pierced”

The writer of the popular 80’s song ‘Copperhead Road’, Steve Earl, also wrote a song more characteristic of his music called Jerusalem. In this song he looks forward to a day when all of Abraham’s children will lay down their weapons in Jerusalem. What is conspicuous by its absence is any mention of the means by which this will happen. Zechariah however begins looking at the means by which Jerusalem will be rescued from the nations rage and the means by which Jerusalem can be occupied by renewed people.

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 27th September, 2020


Consider Who is the new Jerusalem for?

Pray Praise and confession in light of Psalm 147:1-7

Sing along Behold Our God

Read Ezekiel 36:18-38

Pray for each other | our church | our nation |our world

Sing along Christ is Mine Forevermore

Read Zechariah 12:1-14

Listen Bible Gateway Audio – Max McLean

Watch Ray Patchett’s talk on Zechariah 12:1-14

Listen to the sermon Audio

Pray in response to Zechariah 12:1-14

With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing along We Belong To The Day

Read Revelation 7:13-17

Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (1 of 10)
Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (2 of 10)
Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (3 of 10) now available

Steve has graciously agreed to re-work his Job series for us.
Given his own personal difficult circumstances this is a book that he has thought about deeply and we look forward to his presentation of the wisdom to be found in that book as we consider our own circumstances.

There will be a series of 10 talks and they will be available on our website. Click on the Owls to jump to the Job web page where they can be found.

“The Shepherds Of The Flock Doomed To Slaughter”

After Zechariah 9 spoke of Yahweh’s shepherd-King coming to Zion, followed by a description of God’s regathered people living safely in a world where wrongs have been righted, the just rewarded and the evil punished (ch. 10). Chapter 11 strikes a jarring note. It warns of a flock doomed to slaughter for whom Yahweh has no pity. God’s flock needs good shepherds and sometimes he judges them through giving them the leaders they deserve. The flock of God will always need shepherd-leaders who will lead them to Jesus the good shepherd, feed them with his words and protect them from the danger posed by imposters and wolves.

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household for Sunday 20th September, 2020

Consider How is Jesus your good shepherd?

Pray Praise and confession in light of James 5:1-8

Sing along Praise To The Lord

Read John 10:1-30

Testimony Michael Pratt

Pray for each other | our church | our nation |our world

Kids Zechariah visions

Sing along He Will Hold Me Fast

Read Zechariah 11:1-17

Watch Steve Messer’s talk on Zechariah 11:4-17

Listen to the sermon Audio

Pray in response to Zechariah 11:1-17
With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing along Let Your Kingdom Come

Read Revelation 7:13-17

Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (1 of 10)
Steve Messer Wisdom/Job talks (2 of 10)

Steve has graciously agreed to re-work his Job series for us.
Given his own personal difficult circumstances this is a book that he has thought about deeply and we look forward to his presentation of the wisdom to be found in that book as we consider our own circumstances.

There will be a series of 10 talks and they will be available on our website. Click on the Owls to jump to the Job web page where they can be found.