Introduction – fears we face
Jacob’s story so far – Yhwh’s preparing Jacob
The Day arrives! V1 – 3
The unexpected Welcome V4
The Discussion V5 – 15
The Decisions V16 – 20
Genesis 1-30 Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the nations
Genesis 31:1-3 Laban’s lack of favour and Yhwh’s promises
31:1-2 Jacob and Laban’s sons
31:3 Yhwh’s word
31:4-16 Inheriting from Laban or from Yhwh
31:4-14 Jacob convincing his wives that Yhwh’s favour is better than Laban’s
31:14-16 his wives agree
31:17-21 Seeking blessing in the wrong places
31:22-24 Laban versus Yhwh
31:25-43 Comparing Laban’s deceptive words and Yhwh as the ‘fear of Isaac’
31:44-55 Laban’s gods and Jacob’s God
Life after the “mountaintop experience”
29:1-14 Finding love at the well: spot the differences (cf Gen 24)
29:15-30 Gold standard deception
29:31-35 God must build his city
Persevering in the valley: who shall separate us from the love of Christ?
(Rom 8:31-39)
Consider: What are some cases where God has worked good through your wrong doing or circumstances around you?
How does this passage define what is good compared to what we may have thought?
Prayer: Praise and confession in light of the above:
Song: Rejoice The Lord Is King
Prayer: for each other, our church, our nation, and our world
Sermon Outline:
27:18-27 deception
27:28-29 blessing
Genesis 27:30-40
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the nations
Isaac and the blessings of Abraham
Rebekah commands Jacob (deceiver) to deceive for Abraham’s blessings
Jacob (deceiver) deceives for Abraham’s blessings
Esau deceived by Jacob (deceiver) – twice!
27:30-38 deception
27:39-40 non blessing
Genesis 27:41-45 Rebekah commands Jacob (deceiver) to flee because of
Genesis 27:46 Rebekah’s deception causes Jacob (deceiver), whom she loves, to flee
Genesis 1-25 Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the nations
Genesis 26:1-17 God’s grace in Isaac’s unbelief
1-6 God’s grace in regard to the Land
7-11 God’s grace in regard to the seed
12-17 Sending away the means of God’s blessing
Genesis 26:18-35 The nations and the blessings of Abraham
18-22 Room in the Land against contention
23-25 Remembering the promises in the face of contention
26-33 I will bless those who bless you
34-35 Esau and the nations
Genesis 1-24 Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the nations
Genesis 25:1-18 The seed of Abraham
25:1-11 Isaac: the seed among seed
25:12-18 Ishmael’s seed
Genesis 25:19-34 The seed of Isaac
25:19-21 The struggle for seed
25:22-26 The struggle of the seed
25:27-34 Jacob I have loved (Romans 9:1-13)
Hebrews 12 What are the promises worth?