Jacob (Deceiver) Gains The Blessings Of Abraham By Deception

Sunday 14th February, 2021

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household.

Read: Romans 8:28-35

Consider: What are some cases where God has worked good through your wrong doing or circumstances around you?
How does this passage define what is good compared to what we may have thought?

Prayer: Praise and confession in light of the above:

Song: Rejoice The Lord Is King

Prayer: for each other, our church, our nation, and our world 

Song: By Faith

Read: Genesis 27:1-46

Pray in response to this word. With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Song: We Belong To The Day

Read: Luke 1:46-55

Sermon Outline:
27:18-27 deception
27:28-29 blessing
Genesis 27:30-40
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the nations
Isaac and the blessings of Abraham
Rebekah commands Jacob (deceiver) to deceive for Abraham’s blessings
Jacob (deceiver) deceives for Abraham’s blessings
Esau deceived by Jacob (deceiver) – twice!
27:30-38 deception
27:39-40 non blessing
Genesis 27:41-45 Rebekah commands Jacob (deceiver) to flee because of
Genesis 27:46 Rebekah’s deception causes Jacob (deceiver), whom she loves, to flee

Isaac, Being Like Abraham?

Sunday 7th February, 2021

Recommended reading
Genesis 20:1-18; Genesis 26:1-35

Genesis 1-25 Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the nations
Genesis 26:1-17 God’s grace in Isaac’s unbelief
1-6 God’s grace in regard to the Land
7-11 God’s grace in regard to the seed
12-17 Sending away the means of God’s blessing
Genesis 26:18-35 The nations and the blessings of Abraham
18-22 Room in the Land against contention
23-25 Remembering the promises in the face of contention
26-33 I will bless those who bless you
34-35 Esau and the nations

The Promises To Abraham Or A Bowl Of Stew

Sunday 31st January, 2021

Recommended reading
Hebrews 12:1-17; Romans 9:1-13; Genesis 25:1-34

Genesis 1-24 Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the nations
Genesis 25:1-18 The seed of Abraham
25:1-11 Isaac: the seed among seed
25:12-18 Ishmael’s seed
Genesis 25:19-34 The seed of Isaac
25:19-21 The struggle for seed
25:22-26 The struggle of the seed
25:27-34 Jacob I have loved (Romans 9:1-13)
Hebrews 12 What are the promises worth?

Who Is The “Mighty” Man?

Sunday 10th January, 2021

Recommended reading

1 Samuel 21:1-9; 22:6-23; Psalm 52:1-9

“Mighty” men of history
Winners and losers
Psalm themes. Ps 51-53
Book 2 – Commitment to God’s Kingdom
The Title
Historical events matter
V1-4 The ‘Mighty’ man. The loser’s problem
Matt. 5; James 3: 1-11
V5-7 The ‘Mighty’ man. The loser’s judgement
Rom 12: 10-21
V8,9 The genuine ‘Mighty’ man. The winner’s refuge
Life and Fellowship in God. Psalm 1; Revelation 11; Zechariah 4.
Mighty in Jesus

A Man Of Prayer – An Example To Follow

Sunday 3rd January, 2021

Recommended reading

Psalm 25:1-22

Introduction – Is this a man we can learn from? David
Is he – One who is totally on top of everything, a triumphalist?
V1 Committed to a relationship with Yhwh?
V2 One who has experience, not just theory?
V3 One who has a good understanding of Yhwh?
V4,5 What is David’s priority in the midst of distress?
Cf Paul’s prayer Colossians 1:9-11
V6,7 David’s understanding of Yhwh affects his prayer
V8-10 David’s understanding of Yhwh
V11 David seeks pardon
V12-15 cf John 14:21 The intimacy of this relationship
Living in the real world – the need
V16-18 Knowing the Comfort of God’s forgiveness 1 John 1:9, Hebrews 9
Knowing God’s Protection Ephesians 6:10-12
Not just self-focussed V22 Prayer Amened for the church