The Sheep, The Goats, & The King Who Sees The Difference

Sunday 30th May, 2021

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household.

This is one of the less well known of the four servant songs in Isaiah regarding
the true and suffering servant’s determination to bring about God’s will. What does he achieve and how? In verses 10-11, what choices do we have?

Prayer: Praise and confession in light of the above:

Pray for each other | our church | our nation |our world


Bible talk- Matthew 25:31-46 (outline below)


Intro: Being foolishly not ready….
V31: A cosmic, definitive, Kingly appearance
V32-33: Cosmic, definitive, Kingly rulings
V34-40: Kingly ruling #1: “Come…. inherit the eternal kingdom”
V35-39: “You did well (righteously)….”
V40: “…. And I took it personally”
V41-45: Kingly ruling #2: “Go…. to eternal hell”
V42-44: “You did badly (cursedly)….”
V45: “…. And I took it personally”
V46: Rulings implemented – promptly, & for eternity
Application: Considering my readiness today – ICOPS
Identity, Corporality, Opportunity, Proximity, Sustainability

Waiting For Jesus By Living Watchfully

Sunday 16th May, 2021

Read: Isaiah 62:1-2 Matthew 25:1-13

OT reading- Isaiah 62:1-12
The parable’s setting, 24:3
Jesus’ main message- 24:4 “See that no one leads you astray.
24:6 See that you are not
24:13 the one who endures to the end will be saved.
24:42:stay awake
Beware date-setters and urban myths,
24:36: there will be no warning
Four parables illustrate the message
#1. 24:43-44. Be ready: Jesus will come like a thief
#2. 24:45-51. Be ready: he will come sooner than some expect
#3. 25:1-13. Be ready: he may be delayed longer than expected The parable’s symbolism
The parable’s implications
The moral- 25:13 Watch… you know neither the day nor the hour
Be wise, be ready to wait, keep letting your light shine

Obadiah: Jacob And Esau Continued

Sunday 25th April, 2021

Read: Romans 9:1-26 Obadiah


1:1 Context
1-9 Edom’s coming defeat: 3 sentences
2-4 completely humbled
5-7 completely pillaged
8-9 completely dismayed
10-14 Edom’s crimes against Judah: 3 pronouncements of guilt
10 violence against Jacob
11 doing nothing!
12-14 doing what should not be done
15-18 Edom as an example of all nations
19-21 The kingdom that consumes all kingdoms
Romans 9 The grace of God

Back To The Mountain Top, Into The Valley

Sunday 18th April, 2021

Read: Genesis 35-36

Introduction Genesis 1-34. God’s plan, a progress report

35:1-5 Back to Bethel
35:6-15 At last, Jacob keeps his word
35:16-27 Waiting for the city built by God (a)
After the mountain the valley; “in the midst of life we are in death.”
35:16-27 Waiting for the city built by God (a)
After the mountain the valley; “in the midst of life we are in death.”
Genesis 36 Waiting for the city built by God (b)
Waiting amidst opposition and enmity
Conclusion God will complete what he has begun (Heb 11:13, 16, 39-40)

Living In The (Hostile) Land

Sunday 11th April, 2021

Read: Luke 4:1-13 Genesis 34:1-31

Genesis 1-33 Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the nations
Genesis 34:1-4 The rape of Dinah
Genesis 34:5-19 Responding to the rape of Dinah
5-7 initial reactions
8-10 Hamor speaks of integration
11-12 Shechem speaks with love and desire
13-17 Jacob’s sons speak deceitfully
18-19 Shechem speaks with action
Genesis 34:20-24 Integration into Shechem and its economic benefits
Genesis 34:25-31 The ‘rape’ of the Shechemites
Genesis 34 in Genesis and the whole Bible

The Guiltless King Betrayed To Death For The Guilty

Sunday 2nd April, 2021

Read: Isaiah 52:13-53;12 John 18:28-19:16a

Read Isaiah 52:13-53;12; John 18:28-19:16a
18:28-32 They delivered/betrayed him to Pilot
18:33-38a The kingdom of the king
18:38b-19:8 Kill the guiltless king, release the guilty!
18:38b-40 the guiltless Jesus and the guilty Barabbas
19:1-3 Jesus’ kingship and the Gentiles
19:9-12 The authority of the king
19:13-16a Pilate delivered/betrayed him to them