The greater Exodus by the true Israelite and Son of God

Christmas Day 25th, December, 2021
Read: Isaiah 9; Matthew 2: 13 – 23

Introduction: The human condition and Christmas (Matthew 1)
2: 1 – 12 A ruler from Bethlehem to shepherd God’s people

2: 13 – 23 A new Exodus from slavery by the true Son
13 – 15 Out of Egypt I called my son (Hosea 11: 1)
16 – 18 Rachel weeping for her children (Jeremiah 31: 15)
19 – 23 He shall be called a Nazarene (eg, Isaiah 9: 1 – 7; 49: 1 – 13)

“Those magi were wise and one thing is true…
if you want to be wise you will seek him too.”
– from “The Magi” by Colin Buchanan

Stand Firm In The Gospel Traditions

Sunday 12th, December, 2021
Read: Deuteronomy 6:1-132 Thessalonians 2:13-17

2:13 A thankful contrast

2:13-14 the Gospel traditions:
– loved by the Lord
– from the beginning, God chose you to be saved
– through the sanctifying work of the Spirit
– belief in the truth
– He called you
– to share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ
– the Trinity and salvation

2:15 Stand firm in the traditions

2:16-17 Praying for establishment in Gospel works


Justice Delivered

Sunday 28th, November, 2021
Read: Psalm 94:1-23 2 Thessalonians 1:1-12

Introduction – How do we feel about injustice? Ps 37:28
Paul’s Reconnection, & Gratitude to God for them vs 1 – 4
God’s righteous Judgment in dealing with two groups Group 1 – The Thessalonians in their sufferings v 5
1Thess 2:14; 3:3; Phil1: 27- 30, 1Peter 1: 7, Matt 5:10-12
Group 2 – The persecutors & those who reject & disobey the gospel vs 6 – 10
James 5, 2 Peter 3
When will justice come on them? Rev 6: 9 – 11
Paul’s Big Picture Prayer Vs 11 – 12
Concluding Exhortation Colossians 3:1 – 4

Managing Separation Anxiety

Sunday 24th, October, 2021
Read: Psalm 9:1-20 Isaiah 49:1-6 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13

Introduction: Please accept my apology
17-20. Paul: torn away, hindered, but still with the Thessalonians
3:1-5. Paul’s plan to encourage the Thessalonians in their affliction
3:6-10. Paul’s comfort & thanksgiving at Timothy’s report
3:11-13. Paul prays again: for reunion, love and holiness at Jesus’ return
Conclusion: We live if you are standing fast in the Lord