Joshua leaves his legacy

Sunday 16th October 2022
Read: Psalm 78:1-8; 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1; Joshua 23:1-16

Sermon: Joshua 23:1-16

Introduction: Walking straight ahead

Joshua 23:1–5 See what Yahweh has done for you

Joshua 23:6–8 Cling strongly to Yahweh

Joshua 23:9–11 Be careful to love Yahweh

Joshua 23:12–13 Cling to Yahweh or perish: covenant curses

Joshua 23:14–16 Yahweh’s word will never fail

Conclusion: Bringing holiness to completion

Retaining the land: An altercation over an altar

Sunday 9th October 2022
Read: Jude 1-5, 17-23; Deuteronomy 12:1-15; 13:12-18; Joshua 22:1-34

Sermon: Joshua 22:1-34

Joshua 1-21 Entering, taking and possessing the land of rest
1-4 entering the land

5-12 taking the land

13-21 possessing the land

22-24 retaining the land

Joshua 22:1-8 As you have been faithful continue to love Yhwh your God

Joshua 22:9-12 A massive altar and a massive problem

Joshua 22:13-20 An altar of rebellion?

Joshua 22:21-29 An altar of witness

Joshua 22:30-34 A witness that Yhwh is God

Christian unity: when does doctrine matter!

“Only be very careful to observe the commandment and the law that Moses the servant of the LORD commanded you, to love the LORD your God, and to walk in all his ways and to keep his commandments and to cling to him and to serve him with all your heart and with all your soul.”
(Joshua 22:5)

The land secured

Sunday 2nd October 2022
Read: Psalm 136; 2 Corinthians 1:18-22
Background: Numbers 35:9-34; Deuteronomy 4:41-43; 19:1-13

Sermon: Joshua 20 -21

Introduction living long in the land, conditions apply

Joshua 20:1-9 The cities of refuge appointed

Joshua 21:1-3 The Levites’ cities claimed

Joshua 21:4-8 The Levites’ cities allotted

Joshua 21:9-40 The Levites’ cities listed

Joshua 21:41-42 Yahweh’s provision in Israel’s midst

Joshua 20:43-45 The land, a progress report: not one word had fallen to the ground

Conclusion All God’s promises are Yes in Jesus

Distributing the inheritance of Abraham to his family

Sunday 25th September 2022
Read: 2 Peter 1:3-11; Deuteronomy 7:16-26; Joshua 15:1-19, 63; 17:13-18:10; 19:48-51

Sermon: Joshua 15 – 19

Joshua 1-14 Inheriting and allocating the land of rest

Joshua 15:1-62 Judah’s inheritance
Joshua 15:1-12 The boundaries of Judah

Joshua 15:13-19 Caleb and the inheritance of specific people of Judah

Joshua 15:20-62 The towns of Judah

Joshua 15:63 But, not these towns!

Joshua 16:1-17:18 Joseph’s inheritance
Joshua 16:1-9 The boundaries of Joseph – Ephraim

Joshua 17:1-11 The boundaries of Manasseh

Joshua 16:10; 17:12-13 But, not these towns!

Joshua 17:3-6 A special case

Joshua 17:14-18 Do something!

Joshua 18:1-19:51 The remaining kids’ inheritance
Joshua 18:1-10 How long will you forsake taking possession?

Joshua 18:11-19:48 Seven allotments for seven tribes

Joshua 19:49-51 The rewards of service

Knowing God’s will and doing it

Looking forward by looking back

Sunday 18th September 2022
Read: Lamentations 3:19-27; Ephesians 1:3-14; Joshua 13:1-14:15

Sermon: Joshua 13:1-14:15

Pray Romans 15:4 For whatever was written in former days was written for our instruction, that through endurance and through the encouragement of the Scriptures we might have hope.

Joshua 13:1-7 Facing foreboding

Joshua 13:8-13 Concerning complacency

Joshua 13:14-14:5 True inheritances

Joshua 14:6-15 Caleb the model Israelite

Conclusion Remembering our future inheritance: there remains yet very much land to possess

Inheriting Yhwh’s rest

Sunday 11th September 2022
Read: Hebrews 3:7-14; Luke 6:39-49; Joshua 11:1-12:24

Sermon: Joshua 11:1-12:24

Introduction:  Joshua 1-10 Inheriting the land of rest

Joshua 11:1-15 Inheriting and giving rest in northern Canaan

Joshua 11:1-5 The northern Canaanites fight against Yhwh

Joshua 11:6-9 Yhwh’s sovereignty and Joshua’s hand

Joshua 11:10-15 As Yhwh commanded Moses, so Joshua did

Joshua 11:16-23 The process of inheriting the land of rest
Joshua 11:16-18 The perseverance of Yhwh’s servant

Joshua 11:19-20 The fearfulness of Yhwh’s hardening

Joshua 11:21-23 The needlessness of our fears

Joshua 12:1-24 Summarising and foreshadowing Yhwh’s kingship over the Canaanite kings

Joshua 12:1-6 The unity of Israel

Joshua 12:7-24 Remembering Yhwh’s triumph

Luke 6 Why do you call me Lord and not do what I say?

Preach the Word – Ray’s Ordination Service 2022

Today we celebrated a significant milestone in Warragul Presbyterian Church (WPC)’s history. While Ray has been serving faithfully as a Bible teacher and an elder for a number of years, today is an answer to our prayers of having Ray as our ordained minister. Praise be to God!

Steve Jones (Drouin Pres Associate Pastor) spoke on 2 Timothy 4:1-5 on the charge of being a pastor, by Christ Jesus:
– to preach the word in view of Christ’s return;
– to preach the word in every season you face;
– to preach the word in knowledge, truth, and patience;
– to preach the word while people are still listening;
– to preach the word even when it is hard.


Many thanks to the Presbytery of Gippsland; Presbyterian Theological College; church family at WPC and above all, thanks be to God for His blessing upon us. Soli Deo Gloria.

No day like it

Sunday 4th September 2022
Read: Psalm 24; Revelation 19:11-21; Joshua 10:1-43

Sermon: Joshua 10:1-43

Joshua 10:1-5 The threat of Gibeon’s peace

Joshua 10:6-11 Blessed are the peacemakers

Joshua 10:12-15 Joshua speaks, Yahweh heeds

Joshua 10:16-27 The kings of the earth take their stand

Joshua 10:28-39 Why do the nations rage?

Joshua 10:40-43 What happens to raging nations

Conclusion the King of Glory, mighty in battle

Responding to Yhwh’s name with a cunning plan

Sunday 28th August 2022
Read: Matthew 11:16-24; Deuteronomy 20:10-18; Joshua 9:1-27

Sermon: Joshua 9:1-27


Joshua 1-8 Inheriting the land of rest

Joshua 9:1-2 The nations’ response to Yhwh’s rule

Joshua 9:3-15 Gibeon’s response to Yhwh’s rule
Joshua 9:3-8 a cunning plan

Joshua 9:9-11 Gibeon ‘confessing’ Yhwh’s name

Joshua 9:12-15 a covenant of protection

Joshua 9:16-27 Israel’s response to Gibeon’s deceit
Joshua 9:16-21 Gibeon’s covenant delivers them

Joshua 9:22-27 Gibeon’s ‘apology’ because of Yhwh’s word

Responding to Yhwh’s name now