Following Jesus: a cost-benefit analysis

Sunday 15th, May 2022
Read: Psalm 32:6-7; Isaiah 55; Matthew 8:18-22

Sermon: Matthew 8:18-22

Matthew, a disciple seeking disciples

The cost of discipleship: two examples

19 – 20 Don’t rush

21 – 22 Don’t delay

Do follow: The benefits of discipleship

We are not told what the two men decided to do.
The question is: what would you do?

The God who saves.

Sunday 8th, May 2022
Read: Mark 3:35-41; Psalm 107

Sermon: Psalm 107

Covenant background

Psalm 107:1-3 General principle: YHWH redeems from trouble.

Psalm 107:4-9 A place to dwell for the thirsty soul

Psalm 107:10-16 Destroying the prison doors for enslaved rebels

Psalm 107:17-22 Deliverance from the destruction of foolish sin

Psalm 107:23-32 Deliverance from many toils and snares: grace will lead me home

Psalm 107:33-43 For the wise: consider YHWH’s covenant faithfulness in judgement and salvation

Mark 4:35-41 Who is this, even the wind and sea obey him!

Singing other people’s songs

Sunday 1st, May 2022
Read: 1 John 1:1-10; Psalm 32

Sermon: Psalm 32

Psalms are songs of Jesus.
Singing the Psalms “in Christ” as members of His choir. (Deu 17:18-19)
How can Jesus sing a song of penitence and confession? (2 Cor 5:21)

Psalm 32:1-2 Living the blessed way of the way that leads to sorrow.

Psalm 32:3-4 David’s personal testimony

Psalm 32:5-9 A turning point and pastoral advice

Psalm 32:10-11 Sorrow or steadfast love

REJOICE! (Rom 4:5-8; Isa 53)

Land me safe on Canaan’s side

Sunday 24th, April 2022
Read: Hebrews 11:20 – 12:4; Genesis 49:29 – 50:26

Sermon: Genesis 49:29 – 50:26


Genesis 1 – 48 Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the nations (recap)

Genesis 49:29 – 50:14 Being buried with Abraham
49:29 – 33 Being gathered to God’s people

50: 1 – 6 a great outpouring of grief

50:7 – 14 a massive funeral

Genesis 50:15-21 You meant evil against me but God meant it for good.

Genesis 50:22-26 Land me safe on Canaan’s side

Hebrews 11:20-12:4 Waiting for what is promised



The king is crucified

Good Friday
Sunday 15th, April 2022
Read: Psalm 22; Psalm 69; John 19: 16b-42

Sermon: John 19: 16b-42


John 19: 16b – 24 As the king of the Jews is crucified, he is forsaken.
(Psalm 22)
16b – 22 Crucify the king of the Jews

23 – 24 The crucified king dies a God-forsaken death

John 19: As the king of the Jews is crucified, his earthly ministry is finished
(Psalm 69)
25 – 27 The suffering servant

28 – 30 It is completed

John 19: 31 – 37 As the king of the Jews is crucified, we are forgiven 
(Numbers 9:10-13; Exodus 12:46)

John 19:38 – 42 Disciples: come out of the shadows!


The twelve tribes inheriting the promises to Abraham

Sunday 10th, April 2022
Read: Psalm 23

Sermon: Genesis 48:1-22; 49:1-28


Genesis 1 – 47 Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and the nations

Genesis 48:1-22
1 – 7 Joseph’s covenant sons

8 – 20 The older and younger sons…again!

21 – 22 Joseph: still the favoured son

Genesis 49: 1-22 
The blessings of Abraham and the 12 tribes of Israel


Delivering on promises

Sunday 3rd, April, 2022
Sermon: Genesis 46 – 47 

gen 47

Introduction – God’s election platform

Genesis 46: Joseph brings his family to Egypt
1 – 4 God appears to Jacob: “Do not be afraid to go down to Egypt”

5 – 27 Jacob’s offspring find refuge in Egypt

28 – 34 A kind of resurrection: Jacob and Joseph reunited

Genesis 47: Jacob’s family settles in Goshen
1 – 6 The benefits of being abominable

7 – 10 Pharaoh meets Jacob: the inferior is blessed by the superior

11 – 26 Joseph the savior

27 – 31 Counting on God’s promises: Jacob prepares to die

Conclusion – Direction, refuge, contentment: trusting God to deliver

Who sold Joseph to Egypt: his brothers or God?

Sunday 27th, March, 2022
Read: Acts 2:22-42

Sermon: Genesis 45: 1-28


Genesis 1 – 44 Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Nations

Genesis 45:1-15 God’s salvation through Joseph
1 – 4 Joseph revealed to the brothers

5 – 8 Joseph not sent to Egypt by the brothers?

9 – 13 Joseph using his authority for the good of the brothers

14 – 15 Joseph and his brothers reconciled…sort of.

Genesis 45:16-24 God’s provision by Pharaoh
16 – 20 Giving Israel (Jacob) the best of Egypt

21 – 24 the brothers benefitting by Joseph’s exalted status

Genesis 45:25-28 God’s resolution for Jacob/Israel

Acts 2:22-42 Who killed Jesus: wicked men or God the Father?

Truly no man can ransom another…

Sunday 20th, March, 2022
Read: Genesis 44: 1-34; Psalm 49 (nb 5-9); Matthew 20:20-28

Another cliffhanger…

1-5. Mission accomplished?

What is Joseph’s goal?
6-17. What can wash away their sins?
“The soul who sins shall die” (Ezekiel 18:20).

18-34. Judah’s generous plan

What has happened to Judah?

Judah’s problem and ours:
“Truly no man can ransom another…” (Psalm 49:7)

Matthew 20:28