Sunday 1st August, 2021
Read: Psalm 75:1-10 Matthew 10:16-39 Revelation 14:1-15:4
Located at St Luke's – Corner of Hazeldean Road & Korumburra-Warragul Rd, Ellinbank. P.O Box 23, Warragul, 3820
Sunday 25th, July, 2021
Due to the current restrictions we are not able to meet in person
Read: Isaiah 40:25-31 Daniel 7:1-28 Revelation 13:1-18
Revelation 12 Conquering the dragon by the blood of the lamb.
Revelation 13:1-10 the beast out of the sea: governments hostile to the gospel
13:1-8 the beast given authority by the dragon
Psalm 35 (vs 10); Isaiah 40; 44:1-9; Daniel 7
13:9-10 believers and the beast
Jeremiah 15
Revelation 13:11-18 the beast out of the land: false religion and divine imitation
Deuteronomy 13:1-11; 1 Kings 18; Isaiah 44:1-9; Daniel 3; Daniel 7
Revelation 12-13 the Satanic trinity and his number, 666
Revelation 5:1-14
Sunday 18th, July, 2021
Due to the current restrictions we are not able to meet in person
Read: Genesis 3:13-19 Psalm 2:1-12 Revelation 12:1-17
How to control the dragon
Revelation 11 The end of the rage of the nations
Revelation 12:1-17 The dragon and the lamb.
Revelation 12:1-6 The dragon waits for the Messianic mother to give birth. (Genesis 37; Exodus 39:1-14; Psalm 2; Psalm 74; Isaiah 26:17-27; Ezekiel 29:1-10; Daniel 7-8)
Revelation 12:7-12 The lamb conquers the dragon on behalf of his people by his blood. (Genesis 3; Daniel 10; Zechariah 3)
Revelation 12:13-17 The enraged dragon purses the Messianic mother and her offspring. (Exodus 15; Exodus 19; Isaiah 43; Isaiah 66)
Controlling the dragon
Sunday 11th July, 2021
Sunday 4th July, 2021
Read: Numbers 10:1-10 Joshua 6 Joel 2:1-21 Revelation 8:6-9:21
Sunday 27th June, 2021
Sunday 20th June, 2021
Sunday 13th June, 2021
Read: Revelation 5:1-14 Daniel 7:9-14 Isaiah 11:1-14
Revelation and OT apocalyptic
G – Gospel: the lamb wins
OT – Old Testament: use of images and fulfilment of existing expectation
R – Recipients: originally first century believers
Ap – Apocalyptic literature: unveiling/revealing ultimate realities
Revelation 4:1-11 Worship of Yhwh our God and creator who is worthy
Revelation 5:1-14 Worship of the lamb who was slain who is worthy
5:1-4 why is opening a book such a big deal?
Isaiah 29:11-18; Ezekiel 2-3; Daniel 7:9-14; Daniel 12:4-9
5:5-7 the unique qualifications required to open this book
Genesis 49:9-10; Isaiah 11:1-14; Isaiah 52:13-53:12
5:8-14 the worthiness of the lamb to open the book requires a new song
Exodus 19:4-6; 1 Chron. 29:10-13; Isaiah 42:5-13; Daniel 7:22-27
Worshipping the lamb now
Sunday 6th June, 2021
Revelation 4:1-11 Daniel 7:9-14 See also Isaiah 6:1-7 Ezekiel 1
Intoduction: Why apocolyptic?
4:1 John looks, hears and is shown…
4:2-6a A throne in heaven…
4:6b-8 Four living creatures worship…
4:9-11 Twenty-four elders worship…
Beyond the world of appearances: the life that is truly life
The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household.
This is one of the less well known of the four servant songs in Isaiah regarding
the true and suffering servant’s determination to bring about God’s will. What does he achieve and how? In verses 10-11, what choices do we have?
Prayer: Praise and confession in light of the above:
Bible talk- Matthew 25:31-46 (outline below)
Intro: Being foolishly not ready….
V31: A cosmic, definitive, Kingly appearance
V32-33: Cosmic, definitive, Kingly rulings
V34-40: Kingly ruling #1: “Come…. inherit the eternal kingdom”
V35-39: “You did well (righteously)….”
V40: “…. And I took it personally”
V41-45: Kingly ruling #2: “Go…. to eternal hell”
V42-44: “You did badly (cursedly)….”
V45: “…. And I took it personally”
V46: Rulings implemented – promptly, & for eternity
Application: Considering my readiness today – ICOPS
Identity, Corporality, Opportunity, Proximity, Sustainability