Sunday 24th November 2024
Read: John 14:1-6; Revelation 21:22-27; Isaiah 60:1–22
Sermon: Isaiah 60:1–22
-The City to look forward to – the City that has foundations
-Zion personified
Introduction to Zion’s Glory v 1 – 4
Zion’s response to abundance from all directions v 5 – 7
Precious children coming to Zion v 8 – 9
Zion’s sad Past and glorious future v 10 – 16
Zion’s better glory and security v 17 – 20
Zion’s inhabitants v21, 22
The Four Themes
-God’s role in establishing the city
-The glory & material abundance and wealth of the city
-The joy and security of the city
-The ultimate purpose of the city.
Jesus’ Promise of a city John 14:1-4
John’s vision of the city Revelation 21:22 – 27