Romans 11:1-36 God’s purposes for Israel’s rejection

Sunday 25th August 2024

Read: Psalm 69:30-36; Isaiah 5:1-16; Romans 11:1-36

Sermon: Romans 11:1-36

11:1-10 Has God rejected Israel?
1-6 no, there has always been a remnant

7-10 not the elect, only the hardened (Deut 29:4; Isa 29:10; Ps 69:22-23)

11:11-36 Have Israel stumbled to fall for good?
11-15 trespass of Israel > salvation of Gentiles > fullness of Israel

16-24 natural branches broken > wild shoots grafted in > natural branches
grafted back

25-32 disobedience of Israel > mercy to Gentiles > mercy to Israel

33-36 God ought to be praised for achieving his purposes in this way