“Don’t Progress Away From Jesus Because He Is Truth And Love”

2 John seems to have been written for some or one specific Church within the orbit of John’s shepherding. This letter particularly applies the truth, love and obedience tests in regard to managing false teachers and not showing hospitality to them. At that time this is something of the equivalent to sponsoring false teaching by formally offering to support their ministry. There are some very important principles here for how believers not just walk themselves but how to determine what ministries to support and how to relate to those who propagate a false Jesus.

The following aspects of a worship service are included as a suggested guide to worshipping as a household forSunday 21st June, 2020


Read John 6:66-69

Consider Where else would we go?

Pray Praise and confession in light of John 6:66-69

Sing along My Hope is Built (Hymn)

Read John 15:16-27

Memory verse with Jo & Miriam 1 John 2:24-25

Pray: using John 15:16-27 for
each other | our church | our nation |our world

Sing along The Lord Is My Salvation

Read 2 John 1-13

Watch: Ray Patchett as he teaches on 2 John 1-13

Or listen to the below Sermon Audio

Pray in response to 2 John 1-13.
With God’s help what must we now do or not do?

Sing along The Wonder Of The Cross

Read John 16:33