Romans 13:1-7 Worshipping God by submitting to authority

Sunday 15th September 2024

Read: Jeremiah 29:1-12; Romans 13:1-7

Other readings: Psalm 2, 146; Proverbs 8:15-16, 21:1; Daniel 4:24-37;  Matthew 5:41, 22:15-21; John 19:10-11; 1 Timothy 2:1-4; Titus 3:1-2ff;  Daniel 3 & 6; Acts 5:17-42 (esp 29)

Sermon: Romans 13:1-7

Introduction: The obedience of faith

1-2. The command, explanation & implication

3-4. Further explanation and application

5-6. Further implication & illustration

7. Summation

Conclusion: The claims of conscience


Romans 12:9-21 A transformed life in the real world

Sunday 8th September 2024

Read: Psalm 85; Matthew 5:1-16; Romans 12:9-21

Sermon: Romans 12:9-21

Romans 1-11 The transforming Gospel

Romans 12:9-21 A transformed life in community
12:9-13 transformed life in the Christian community

12:14-16 transformed life in blessing to the world

12:17-21 transformed life in a hostile world


Romans 12:1-8 God’s righteousness in everyday life

Sunday 1st September 2024

Read: Ephesians 4:1-24; Romans 12:1-8

Sermon: Romans 12:1-8

Introduction. How are we to live…? Everything depends on understanding 1-11

12:1 Consecrated bodies, offered to God

12:2 A renewed mind. Transformed to know and do God’s will

12:3 Humility. Thinking rightly about ourselves in light of the Gospel

12:4 Bodies as “one” body, “in Christ”

12:6-8 Gifts to strengthen the body and help it flourish

Summary: The Christian life… a life lived in response to doctrine, in union with Christ