Understanding the scale of Jesus’ birth by John’s birth

Sunday 25th December 2022
Read: Genesis 11:27-12:8; Luke 1:1-25

Sermon: Luke 1:1-25


Luke 1:1-4 An orderly account of historic events

Luke 1:5-7 Another childless couple advanced in years

Luke 1:8-12 When God speaks in his temple

Luke 1:13-17 The greatness of John

Luke 1:18-23 Made dumb for being dumb

Luke 1:24-25 Waiting as Yhwh takes away reproach


Waiting for salvation through judgment

Sunday 18th December 2022
Read: Psalm 130; John 1:1-5, 14-18; Micah 7:1-20

Sermon: Micah 7:1-20

Introduction: threat and promise; judgment and salvation in Micah

1-7. Waiting for Yahweh

8-20. “Mercy triumphs over judgment.” (James 2:13)
· 8-10. Jerusalem’s remnant waits for Yahweh’s light
· 11-13. Yahweh promises restoration and desolation
· 14-17. Prayers answered
· 18-20. There is no god like Yahweh

Conclusion: how can Yahweh forget sin and acquit sinners?
· 2 Corinthians 1:20
* John 1:14


When Yhwh takes his people to court

Sunday 11th December 2022
Read: John 1:1-23; 3:16-21; Micah 6:1-16

Sermon: Micah 6:1-16

Micah 1-5 The ‘now’ and the ‘not yet’

Micah 6:1-8 What does God expect from his people?
Micah 6:1-5 When people think that salvation is boring

Micah 6:6-7 When people think that salvation is unreasonable

Micah 6:8 When people fail to understand the heart of salvation

Micah 6:9-16 The verdict on Jerusalem
Micah 6:9 Prepare for a wise verdict

Micah 6:10-13 The summary of offenses

Micah 6:14-16 The covenant curses applied

John 1:1-23; 3:16-21 Is salvation boring to us!