Galatians 1:10 – 2:14

What is the source of truth?
When someone makes truth claims, it is incumbent upon them to reveal their source so that the facts can be verified and so that we aren’t deceived.
Paul makes his case for the true gospel in his letter to the Galatians.
The gospel he preached was not second hand information received from other Apostles in Jerusalem. His doctrine was received directly from the Lord Jesus Christ himself.
There was such a miraculous change in Paul from persecutor of Jesus’ followers to being the God appointed Apostle to the Gentiles, that the truth of his conversion account and what he preached is validated.
Can there be two gospels? One for Jews and another for Gentiles? Is Paul teaching a different gospel to that of the Apostle Peter?
Paul clearly isn’t trying to please men of authority within the church, but his Lord. He knows that what he is preaching is the truth and he is not afraid of calling out those who are being inconsistent and hypocritical or trying to bring new Christians back under the law.
Some Jews are seen by Paul, separating themselves from Gentiles and treating them as inferior. They were distorting what had been accomplished by Christ’s finished work, and so he exposed their hypocracy.
Only Jesus is the true source of the gospel.